The worldwide celebration of art is on April 15th! Artistic creativity in humans has been around since prehistory in the form of clay statuettes and cave paintings. These double as historical artifacts that provide important insight on past cultures and creatures. Art constantly evolves and fluctuates through many different periods focusing on the newest trend.
Anniston Museums and Gardens promotes artistic creativity of all kinds! Within the Berman Museum gallery, Reins and Revolutions, lies the painting, “The Shadow” by Edmund Blair Leighton. Only two of these pieces exist, with the original housed in the artist’s home. “The Shadow” is set on medieval castle battlements where a woman traces the outline of a warrior’s silhouette on the castle wall. A crusader ship lies in the distance in suggestion of his soon departure. This painting parallels the Greek myth of Debutades, a girl from Corinth who traced her beloved’s shadow onto the walls of her room on the night before his departure to war. You may also find homage to this piece on Noble Street among the many, magnificent murals in downtown Anniston.
View the varying forms in which art is presented throughout our museums and gardens. Bronze statues are nestled throughout the Berman Museum gallery, Becoming America. Anniston Museum of Natural History highlights the beauty of nature with the fine craftsmanship of ecosystems and animals in each exhibit hall. Take a stroll through the Longleaf Botanical Gardens to view the artistic arrangements of flowers, bushes, and trees curated by our gardeners. Art is everywhere you look when you Explore Your World at the Anniston Museums and Gardens!