There are many ways you can contribute to the Anniston Museums and Gardens’ growth and success. Whether looking to make a monetary gift, donate a precious heirloom to the collection, or provide live animal supplies, your contribution is invaluable.
The Anniston Museum of Natural History, Berman Museum, and Longleaf Botanical Gardens make up the Anniston Museums and Gardens (AM&G). City and county support helps cover operating funds. AM&G must raise funds to cover programming and exhibit expenses.
Tax deductible donations are a way to honor a special person or can be given in memory of someone. That person or family will be promptly notified of the gift. Any and all donations are greatly appreciated.
Mail checks to: Anniston Museums and Gardens, PO Box 1587, Anniston, AL 36202
Amy Roberts
Development Officer
256-237-6766 x 409
Force Factory is the Anniston Museum of Natural History’s redesigned hands-on discovery exhibit. The museum will introduce its youngest patrons to how these forces affect the natural world, how to protect life from nature’s power, and nature’s importance to the development of life. Through moving imagery, hands-on activities, and interactive experiences, Force Factory will demonstrate how interconnected these natural forces are.
Force Factory will incorporate STEAM standards from the State of Alabama Course of Study. Through cross-generational participatory exhibits and free play activities, children will develop and strengthen their imagination and problem-solving skills.
Thank you to our current Force Factory sponsors!
Presenting Sponsor
Anniston Museum Endowment Corporation
Force Sponsors
Regional Medical Center
Calhoun County Soil & Water
Conservation District
City of Anniston
McWane Foundation
Josephine Ayers and Margaret Ayers
Visit Calhoun County
Interactive Sponsors
Robert B. Smith
Ike Brown / Merrill Lynch
Southern States Bank
Sunny King Automotive Group
Boozer Laminated Beam Company
Cog Sponsors
Jake Anderson Walker
Claire Sylvia Walker
James W. Swift
Miller Sand and Landscape Supply
Miller Outdoor Living and Decorations
N.S.C. Mechanical
NobleBank & Trust
In Memory of Tamryn Loyd Richards 1979 – 2005
Steve Moses
Jim and Gina Nolen
Robert Houston
Wellborn Cabinets
The NEAL Chapter of ASCM
Anniston Water Works and Sewer Board
ERA King Real Estate
Jay Jenkins
Webb Concrete & Building Materials
Koven Brown
First Bank of Alabama
Georgia – Alabama Land Trust
Regions Financial
Millie Harris
Hunter and Austin Turner
Bess Valieant
Don Killingsworth
In Honor of Cheyenne Strickland
Force Factory is made possible with contributions in part from
Alabama Power Foundation
Bill Wakefield
Community Foundation of Northeast Alabama Farley Moody Galbraith Grant
Community Foundation of Northeast Alabama Stringfellow Health Fund Grant
Donations in Memory of Alvin Brengelman
Honda Foundation
Sain & Associates
Amy Roberts
Development Officer
256-237-6766 x 409
Let Your Sponsorship Circle the Globe!
The Regar Circle is named in honor of H. Severn Regar, who brought an extensive collection of historical and biological specimens to Anniston in 1929. The collection included over 1,800 ornithological specimens collected by naturalist and ornithologist William Werner in the 19th century.
We owe a debt of gratitude to Mr. Regar for his generosity and to the City of Anniston and its citizens for the treasure we have inherited. It is now our mission to carry on the legacy that we celebrate through support of the Regar Circle.
Located directly in the center of the Anniston Museum of Natural History’s lobby is an 8-foot globe glowing brilliantly, honoring the contributors who make up the Regar Circle. Donations of $10,000 or more to the Anniston Museum of Natural History or supporting organization, the Anniston Museum Endownment Corporation, qualify for membership. By becoming a member of the Circle, the museum will be able to fulfill its mission to enhance public knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of living things and their environments.
Amy Roberts
Development Officer
256-237-6766 x 409
Mission Statement: The Anniston Museum of Natural History serves to enhance public knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of living things and their environments. The museum preserves, studies, and interprets collections through interdisciplinary exhibits and programs. The museum is committed to providing educational, recreational, and economic benefits for diverse audiences.
In accordance with the above mission statement, the Anniston Museum of Natural History shall acquire pieces that relate to biological specimens, historical items, museum archives, or other items that enhance the existing collection.
Dan Spaulding
Senior Curator
256-237-6766 x 414
Mission Statement: The mission of the Berman Museum is to use history to engage, educate, and excite.
In accordance with the above mission statement, the Berman Museum shall acquire pieces as they relate to history, weapons, art, museum archives, or other items that enhance the existing collection.
Dan Spaulding
Senior Curator
256-237-6766 x 414
The Anniston Museums and Gardens houses around 40 live animal ambassadors. These animals are full time “Creature Teachers” who educate and excite people of all ages about wildlife and conservation. They bring the Anniston Museum of Natural History’s exhibit halls to life, and help us connect with our guests.
In order to provide the best possible husbandry and care, we need support from animal lovers like you! Join the Adopt an Ambassador Program and help us provide varied diets, upgrade enclosures, and create environmental enrichment devices. There are several levels to support our live animal ambassadors. If you have any questions, please contact us at 256-237-6766 or email Thank you for your support!
If you are interested in contributing a monetary donation to our live animal ambassadors, click here.